Wednesday, June 22, 2011

'Get yo' butt out of bed' and other sweet nothings from my husband

My husband is in the Army and most mornings this means waking up around 5am to work out. And though this man would schedule his course load in college around that of a children's cartoon from Japan (I won't say names but it rhymes with Jokey-Mon ) and had what one could call a lax view on class attendance- nowadays, in the race to see who can accomplish more in one day, he takes his goody two shoes wife to the cleaners. Though we both have full days and stay up late some nights (Him even later!! Remember there is golf channel to watch!!!), he will consistently (and gosh darn him - with no complaints..) get his butt out of bed when, though I try,  I can not get up early to work out to save my life (though I know deep down, it will actually save my life to do so).  At this point in my life I can honestly say that there is not much about myself I am not proud of. I actually really like myself. But one of the few things that does drive me nutty is my inability to hear my alarm in the morning, jump out of bed and exercise. "But that is such a Normal problem!", you cry, "I can't either!" and "Don't beat yourself up about it!!" But see, I use too. In college, even with full time course loads and two jobs, I could get up early and get to the gym like it was nobody's business.... and I guess it wasn't. I mean now I have kids (to include a big 90 lb hairy one), a spouse, neighbors, friends, a house.... a life to attend to. As we get older the minutes of our day fill up and begin to weight us down. And this is why it is even more important to kick yourself out of bed (probably before the sun if your children are like mine and innately wake up at 6:30 am...everyday. Don't believe in Karma? Refer to my earlier comments on my husband's view on college scheduling...) - The way I see it there are two important things in this world, your health and family. Money and such merely grease the wheels... And though I am fantastic at getting to the gym in the evening, it takes away from family time, which is important to me. So the inner struggle for me ends up being a tug of war between me time and family time (there are many struggles similar to this... maybe between gym time and the dishes.. but, boy, is it easy for me to say "Later!" to those dishes- don't be jealous,  it's a natural talent). Many of us get to the end of the day and are just too tired to exercise. So the obvious answer is, get up in the am and do it. But it's a struggle. I even have asked my sweet dear husband to banter me out of bed when his alarm clock rings, and though he risks me forgetting I asked him to do this the night before and me getting quite sore with him, bless him, he often tries.  And I just can't do it... most of the time. But I did today. Today he said to me, "We'll get up together, on the count of three..." and something in the way he said that, like a pact, made me do it. Without even thinking I got my butt out of bed and I marched right into our mini gym/video game room (yes, you read that right- barbells and wii controllers in the same room) and did an hour of Yoga this morning with Bob Harper. And as I was lying on the floor one leg stretching over the other, looking like I had just landed there from jumping off a  very tall  building, my husband comes in to kiss me goodbye and says "There, Don't you feel better?" And from my comically contorted body I manage to say "Yes, I do".  And I realized something afterward. Sometimes pushing yourself means one more rep when your muscles are on fire, sometimes it's drinking some water instead when you think you really want a cupcake and sometimes it's the act of scooching your bum to the side of your bed and merely rolling out of it at 5am.  And today remembering "We Are In This Together" helped me a lot. Here's to it helping tomorrow.... Namaste!

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