Sunday, April 22, 2012

Juicing it for all it's worth

So if you know of me at all, you have probably seen not only posts about the Beauty Detox Solution ( as well as a whole load of juice photography filtering from my twitter account over the last couple of months. Though I have been seriously weight training for years now, I have only recently gotten into hormone studies. Having PCOS, my hormones have waged a war on everything from my skin to my weight for about 15 years. Knowing that there must be something I was missing I started researching diets that would positively affect my hormone issue. And what I have found the most solace in was the information put out in Kimberly Synder's studies and her belief that 
       "health and beauty are entirely synonymous: outer beauty is a reflection of inner health. Her main protocols include increasing the body’s alkalinity, consuming a diet high in enzyme-rich plant foods as close to their natural state as possible, supporting the body’s ability to naturally heal itself, increasing efficient digestion, as well as intelligent, guided and ongoing cleansing."

You do this by taking in as close to natural, raw, unprocessed and unmodified fuel as possible. You eat real food, you make green nutrient rich veggies the base of your intake, you eat light to heavy, you take out diary and watch your gluten intake and make sure to take the time to honor your body with foods that promote cleansing (like lemons!). This may seem overwhelming, but with the right prep work it is as easy and normal to do as any other dietary intake. I even cheat a little, by using Naked Green Machine Smoothies instead of making my own. And I will say, with complete honesty, when I take the time to fuel my body with juices, smoothies and salads as my base, subtracting the gluten and the diary, I feel amazing. I am lighter, my skin looks better, I am less bloated and less gassy. I still eat meat. But I eat it at the end of the day (with a salad). I don't rush to pump my tummy full of food in the a.m either, instead I wake it up gently with hot water with lemon and wait until I feel hungry to refuel it. This is usually a couple hours into my day. If you are wondering what my day looks like, here it is!
Wake up
- Hot Water with the Juice from Half a Lemon
- Green Smoothie (usually two serving size - this is about 300 calories!!)
- Fresh Juice from my Juicer
- Big Salad usually topped only with Lemon and Raw Apple Cider Vinegar, and Hemp seeds (Protein)    or other seeds
- Juice
- Big Salad topped with Animal Protein, sometimes more steamed veggies on the side
-Gluten Free Crackers as a snack if I am hungry at the end of the night, maybe with a low fat piece of cheese if I am wanting it- but I have been trying to avoid it
I also take in a lot of water (with lemon of course!)

I bought a Jack Lalanne juicer at Target for 100 bucks. It does a wonderful job. It's easy to clean and pretty quiet. I usually experiment with produce in my fridge. Last week there was a lot of lemon, grapefruit, green apple, ginger and carrot mixing. This week I will experiment with kale, pears and cucumbers as well as the produce from last week. The kale pulp will be used in the meatballs I will make for my kids dinner as well as in some muffins I will make for them.

Taking the time to learn about the properties in your food that can help and hinder you is just as important as finding an exercise routine that works for you. By researching the effect certain foods have on my body (for example animal protein naturally raises testosterone levels, not so great for a woman with abnormally high T levels to begin with!) I am able to chart a direct course towards my personal health and well being. I implore you to do the same. Think about what you are consuming and how it may be adversely effecting you. If you are thinking about adding juicing to your diet remember to have fun with it. Be adventurous!

Our bodies are our gardens - our wills are our gardeners.  
~William Shakespeare