Saturday, June 18, 2011

What's In a Minute?

I have been thinking about time a lot lately. Maybe it was the whole turning thirty thing, but honestly, when that happened (Months Ago!) I actually marveled at how unmoved I was by the whole experience. I mean shouldn't I have shuddered at any recognition of the milestone... or maybe even insisted on some huge elaborate fete to celebrate my impending decline... one last hurrah! and all that jazz? But I did neither. My 30th birthday pasted like any other... a little plain maybe... but sweet and full of love. So here I am months later and the floor has not fallen out from me yet and though I hate to admit it, I am slightly surprised. I mean it's not like I have no signs of getting older... the grey hairs keep multiplying and I am supremely convinced my upper back is in desperate need for one of those super expensive memory foam alien mattresses they keep taunting me with on the TV.  So I must be getting older... or at least my body is. But I look around at my friends, and I swear, all these artsy cool kids I went to college with, we are all running marathons and becoming belly dance teachers! Our cars are plastered with (13.1) and (Will Run for Wine) stickers! Our children are stuffed into jogging strollers and pulled along in bike cabooses! It amazes me. Awesomely lovable people I couldn't get to run with me two blocks to the gym at nineteen are now tri-atheletes in their thirties! And it's not just my inner circle, it's everywhere -  a zumba-ing marathon epidemic of awesomeness! And I love it so much I decided to start a blog to honor it. So here's to you, you once Freshman Fifteeners, who gave thirty a high five while planning your next (insert absurdly titled sports event here) - Huzzah to you! Take a Moment to relax and reflect on everything we have accomplished so far.  My Mantra for today : "One minute can't turn back time, but it can change your future".  Let's get up tomorrow and keep moving forward.... the North Pole Marathon awaits!

1 comment:

  1. Have you seen the allergy commercial with the mom pulling out the running stroller? My parents say they see that and think of me in the future. And that would be thanks to you. Thank you for showing me a strength I didn't even know I had.
